Father Brendan challenges us to assume the saints’ posture of interior renewal, while Father Justin, on the Cathedral’s patronal feast of Mary’s Queenship, reflects on what is revealed about humanity through the building and the person it honors.
We are pleased to remind you that homily recordings are now posted with the text.
This week’s articles expand last week’s theological exploration of music and culture. In “Why Music Matters: An Addendum,” Father Justin makes the case for music (in both notes and words) as means of seeking God. In “Hearing West Through Christian Tradition,” Father Brendan compares musician Kanye West’s lyrical themes to the contemporaneous heed of Pope Francis against society’s moral laxity.
Catholic 301
Registration is now open for the full year of Catholic 301 courses! Up next in September, Father Brendan will take us through four essays by von Balthasar from the first volume of Explorations in Theology.
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