Father Justin prompts us to embrace voluntary poverty in even the smallest of actions, while guest homilist Deacon Jim Nuzzo outlines the surrender of service to our Lord as a path of growing closer to Him.
This week, we embark on the great adventure of “An Almost Not Quite Encounter with Despair” through the storytelling of Father Brendan. Stranded at 4,000 feet by an odd circumstance in the dead of winter with obstructed cell phone service, fading daylight (and warmth), and the lives of others in his hands, even several calls to 911 prove unsuccessful. Read on as our protagonist straddles the line between comedy and tragedy, ultimately witnessing aspects of the precarity of love precipitated only by the space of good adventure.
How do you see Christ alive in our Archdiocese? Ecclesia Christi wants to hear from you! Witness pieces of 2,000 words or less can be submitted for review to ecclesiachristibaltimore@gmail.com.
Catholic 301
During our class interim, we direct you to an interview by Dr. Larry Chapp, retired professor of theology, with Father Brendan and the Source of All Hope Missionaries about their service to the poor in Baltimore City.
Join us in person for Father Justin’s next course on The Nature and Mission of Theology by Joseph Ratzinger, beginning this Saturday, October 8 at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Register now for details! Previous Catholic 301 recordings are posted each week under the “Podcast” tab.
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