Famine as a precondition for the Prodigal Son's conversion; what distinguishes Christianity
Ecclesia Christi Midweek
Focusing on a less noted verse from the Parable of the Prodigal Son, Father Brendan considers the precondition of a famine for the son’s repentance and conversion—and the mercy that awaits each of us in our own turning to the Father.
How close have you come to despair in your life, to losing hope? What came from that experience? Check back on Thursday for Fr. Brendan’s first-person account of adventure, emergency, and finding Christ in the most remarkable of experiences in his An Almost Not Quite Encounter with Despair: A Search for Christian Hope at 4,000 Feet.
How do you see Christ alive in our Archdiocese? Ecclesia Christi wants to hear from you! Witness pieces of 2,000 words or less can be submitted for review to ecclesiachristibaltimore@gmail.com.
Catholic 301
This week, Father Brendan explores von Balthasar’s analysis of what distinguishes Christianity from religions of the world—and the philosophy needed to understand what he has to say. Catholic 301 recordings are posted each week under the “Podcast” tab. Register now for October and the full year of Catholic 301 courses!
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