Father Brendan conveys Pope Benedict XVI’s teaching on true hope—the presence of God with us—while Father Justin examines Mary’s inimitable role as mother in the human formation that allowed Christ to become like us, and in turn, us like him.
In “Ratzinger Showed Us How to Love,” Father Brendan reflects on the congruity and harmony with which Joseph Ratzinger was able to love both in theory and in practice.
Father Justin recounts how Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI continues to inspire his own vocation—beginning with attendance at a Mass celebrated by Pope Benedict XVI himself.
How do you see Christ alive in our Archdiocese? Ecclesia Christi wants to hear from you! Witness pieces of 2,000 words or less can be submitted for review to ecclesiachristibaltimore@gmail.com.
Catholic 301
Our next course on Ratzinger’s Called to Communion begins this Saturday, January 6. Register now to join us in person for the full year of Catholic 301 courses.
Previous Catholic 301 recordings are posted each week under the “Podcast” tab.
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