At the beginning of this inaugural midweek newsletter of Ecclesia Christi Baltimore, we simply wanted to say thank you for joining us on this new venture and to ask your prayers for its future.
We believe that the Church is a life and that the Church is alive in Baltimore. Our mission is to support and highlight the life of the Church, as it’s lived in this corner of the Lord’s vineyard. You’re in that vineyard too, and so we’re glad you’re here.
In Christ,
Father Brendan Fitzgerald & Father Justin Gough
Co-founders, Ecclesia Christi Baltimore
Father Brendan considers the proper Christian attitude toward wealth on the basis of a challenging re-reading of the Lord’s Prayer, while Father Justin asks whether we can truly weigh the world only as vanity if Paul is right that the end of all things is for Christ to be all in all.
In “The Phenomenon of Unbelief and the Christian Response,” Father Brendan offers some insight on the rise of religious disaffiliation among young Catholics today, the first in a series that will examine unbelief and the response of the Church in the year ahead.
In the debut piece for the Witness section, Allison Jung, content editor at Ecclesia Christi Baltimore, discusses how Christian hope has been realized in the people God has put into her life.
Catholic 301
Registration is now open for the full year of Catholic 301 courses! Up next in September, Father Brendan will take us through four essays by von Balthasar from the first volume of Explorations in Theology.
All four sessions of Father Justin’s course on The Spirit of the Liturgy are now available on the Podcast page. We once again apologize that the second and third lectures were cut short due to a technical issue. We’ll do better. We promise.