Embracing voluntary poverty for eternal glory, the cost of personal opinion
Ecclesia Christi Midweek
Father Justin prompts us to embrace voluntary poverty in even the smallest of actions, lest our material wealth blind us from the neighbor on our doorstep or our spiritual poverty. Father Brendan reminds us of the disquieting reality that our opinions can be wrong and urges us to seek the truth of the Gospel in our understanding of Christ’s teachings.
In “Can Myth Speak?” Father Justin considers whether cheap allegory—to which Tolkien fans are concerned Amazon’s new The Ring of Power series will reduce the Lord of the Rings trilogy—measures up to the timelessness of the enduring myth in the original series.
David Plaut, a second generation Jewish-German American, converted to Catholicism at the age of 40. He shares a series of miracles that occurred in his life from childhood on through which Christ ultimately revealed Himself—and his great, all-encompassing Love—to this formerly skeptical and agnostic man.
How do you see Christ alive in our Archdiocese? Ecclesia Christi wants to hear from you! Witness pieces of 2,000 words or less can be submitted for review to ecclesiachristibaltimore@gmail.com.
Catholic 301
This week, Father Brendan provides an overview of van Balthasar’s theory of beauty and responds to some questions about beauty, Christ, and the Christian life.
Catholic 301 recordings are posted each week under the “Podcast” tab. Register now for October and the full year of Catholic 301 courses!
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