"We become proficient in the art of forgetting, believing that we exist without God, on our own terms, and then we use the false narrative of our own independence to judge and to condemn "

So true. I appreciate your sharing this story.

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What an excellent homily, Father. You have hit the nail on the head, and it happens to me too often. I have finally gotten to the point though that when I start to get angry or frightened or suspicious that I think of Jesus' prescription - "remove the beam from your eye". It is an almost miraculous help to my understanding of the situation so that I can address it properly and let go of things that disturb my peace and find a way to forgive without becoming a repeat victim. I have only just discovered the latter, and that essentially follows the rubric "Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater" (Don't overgeneralize.)

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And here is a poem that I've just discovered at a med school reunion, written by Brad Harper, that helps to dispel the fear and anger that block our forgiving and peace:

MEDITATION by Brad Harper

Breathe out the weight of memories

Inhale a fresh new day

My mind is clear, balance secure

The past just slips away

Ghosts no longer touch me

They weigh nothing, anyhow

As I repeat my mantra

I am here, and this is now

Future worries stalk me

Listing things that I should fear

Painting pictures of disasters

Robbing me of what is dear

They would steal away this moment

Add wrinkles to my brow

‘Til I deflect their power

For I am here, and this is now

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