Father Justin promotes the call to set the world ablaze through personal evangelization, while Father Brendan distinguishes between political peace and Christ's true, internal, life-giving peace. Additionally, Father Brendan’s Feast of the Assumption homily reminds us that the logic of God is the logic of hope.
We are pleased to announce that homilies will now be recorded. The audio will be posted with the text for your listening convenience.
In “Human Wounds, Divine Remedy: On the Winters of Our Own Experience,” Father Justin Gough analyzes theological realities of the human condition found in the music of lay musician Bon Iver.
Baltimore native Patrick Martel recounts a compelling narrative of his friend’s battle against chronic illness through themes of suffering, childhood, and the hidden work of the Cross.
Catholic 301
Registration is now open for the full year of Catholic 301 courses! Up next in September, Father Brendan will take us through four essays by von Balthasar from the first volume of Explorations in Theology.
Save on shipping by purchasing your Catholic 301 books through the Cathedral Library. Email Michele Hayes (mph200@outlook.com). When the books arrive, they will be available for pick up at the library.
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