This is one of the most illuminating articles on love I have ever seen. (And it explains a lot about the atomization and splitting of our nation.) I learned a parish ago that loving another means enabling the expression of his/her best self, and I think that's what Schindler is getting at. And what you get with a good marriage is "one flesh", as Christ said and Schindler implies. Following Aquinas as well, freedom is the expression of one's best self. That suggest that it is loving, not war, that enables freedom in this country. And if we want to save it, we must be more compassionate towards each other, not tyrannical.
And enabling the expression of a best self would seem to involve putting on the mind of Christ, as St. Paul urged; we must put on His mind to see the form of a best self.
This is one of the most illuminating articles on love I have ever seen. (And it explains a lot about the atomization and splitting of our nation.) I learned a parish ago that loving another means enabling the expression of his/her best self, and I think that's what Schindler is getting at. And what you get with a good marriage is "one flesh", as Christ said and Schindler implies. Following Aquinas as well, freedom is the expression of one's best self. That suggest that it is loving, not war, that enables freedom in this country. And if we want to save it, we must be more compassionate towards each other, not tyrannical.
And enabling the expression of a best self would seem to involve putting on the mind of Christ, as St. Paul urged; we must put on His mind to see the form of a best self.