Father Brendan reflects on the freedom we receive when we let God who is perfect fill our emptiness.
In “Her Sin is Her Lifelessness,” Father Brendan Fitzgerald risks a hot take regarding the boredom of redundancy found on Midnights, Taylor Swift’s latest release, as her lyrical narratives rehash her secular, suburban struggles for the duration of yet another album.
How do you see Christ alive in our Archdiocese? Ecclesia Christi wants to hear from you! Witness pieces of 2,000 words or less can be submitted for review to ecclesiachristibaltimore@gmail.com.
Catholic 301
In his third lecture on The Nature and Mission of Theology, Father Justin explains why pluralism is a problem for the Church and theology.
Previous Catholic 301 recordings are posted each week under the “Podcast” tab. Register now to join us in person for the full year of Catholic 301 courses!
Upcoming Events
At the Cathedral on Monday, November 7, Samuel Rowe, Director of Music at the Basilica of the Assumption, will present a lecture entitled Singing to Heaven: The Requiem Mass Through the Ages. The lecture begins at 7pm in the Parish Center.
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