Sitemap - 2023 - Ecclesia Christi Baltimore

Thoughts on Family Life and Ikea Furniture

The Holy Family and Yours

On Pain and Christmas Peace

The Christmas Story Is for You

The Hills Are Alive by the Incarnate Word

I Can't Remember the Saint Who Said This, But Fake It Till You Make It

Even the Joyful Heart Is Restless

The Best Place to Begin Is at the Beginning

The Yes that Mary Gives, It Comes from Somewhere

The Saints Look at God, Except for One

We Settle for a Lesser Problem

We Have the Light to See in the Darkness

A Thought on Perspective

Living Advent with the Prophets

The Splendor of the Church | Week 4

Your King Is Out There on the Streets

To Reign Is to Love, and to Love Is to Reign

The Splendor of the Church | Week 3

We Are All in This Together

The Splendor of the Church | Week Two

Who Is this Cathedral For?

The Splendor of the Church | Week One

Some Thoughts on Evangelizing

Become (God's Version) of You

You Do Not Belong to Paul or Apollos or to Me

Your Love Is Not for You

Don't Be a Christian Like a 13-Year-Old Piano Player

The Four Cardinal Virtues | Week 4

The Four Cardinal Virtues | Week 3

This Is Not a Homily on Giving to the Church (Seriously)

The Four Cardinal Virtues | Week 2

We're Told to Be the Part, Not Dress the Part

The Four Cardinal Virtues | Week 1

Catholicism | Week 4

Some Thoughts on Christ and Method Acting

You Are Not Supposed to Play Fair

Catholicism | Week Three

What is Forgiveness?

Who Can't Be Saved?

The One You Seek Is Near

Catholicism | Week Two

That Time I Did Not Forgive My Brother from My Heart

Catholicism | Week One

Penance Is a Communal Affair

Reverence Where it Matters

The Logic of the Incarnation Gives Us the Church

A Feast of Light for Those Who Walk in Darkness

Sometimes We Beg on Our Knees, and We Should Receive that Way As Well

Who Is the Lost Sheep Really?

We Cannot Have What We Do Not See

You Won't Drown But You Might Never Walk

Keeping Watch for Christ During the Day

Christ Offers a Way Out from Beneath the Weight of the World

Christ Just Wants to Know If He Comes First

Trading Heaven On the Open Market

Not How, Maybe, but Where We Live As Christians

We Are Not OK

Your Life Will Not Be Ordinary

You Have: The Soil of Your Heart Is Rich

Only Christ Says Come to Me

Crested Butte Family Vacation 2023

Homily for the First Mass of Father Nicholas Mwai

Blessed May You Be

Love Reveals Our True Name

Christ Sees the 'What Could Be'

The One Great Thing to Love

The Love That Loves to Love to Love

You Don't Have to Stay the Same

Where Hope and Beauty Meet

Holy Spirit, Life Giver

We Can Do Better with Our Worrying

We Belong to Someone, Not Something, Larger Than Ourselves

A New Reason For Your Hope

Life Is According to the Holy Spirit, or It Is Not Life

Introduction to Christianity – Week 4

The Way Is the Church

Introduction to Christianity – Week 3

Mary Magdalene and the Gardener

On the Christian & Politics

We Cannot Feed on Lesser Truths

Peter’s Encounter at Galilee

Introduction to Christianity – Week 2

Christ Is For Us

Introduction to Christianity – Week 1

God Did Not Doubt His Choice of Thomas

Mercy Is a Way of Life, or It Is Not Mercy

We Believe in What We Do Not See But Believe Because of What We Do

I Will Run Toward What Christ Makes Possible

No One Can Fall Without Falling Into Him

Christian, Where Is Your Joy?

Halfway There – Help Us Finish Strong!

Christ Speaks in the Present Tense

The Sickness Unto Death, Or Why I Ride Bikes

A Place He Lays His Head

We Look Into the Heart

Why I Do This

God Is Playing Chess, and You Best Not Forget It

God's Anxiety and Ours

Out of the Cave, Up the Mountain

God Promises Your Life Will Be Different

Stray Thoughts on Lent and Love

Summits for Source

Engagement with God – Week 4

In Spirit and Truth

Obedience to Your Own Will Is Called Original Sin

Temptation Leaves and Fulfilment Approaches

Are You Alive? Do You Love?

Maybe We Should Actually Try to Be Better Than Other People

What God Wants

Engagement with God – Week 3

Can We Talk About Zooropa For a Moment?

The Language of Love

Engagement with God – Week 2

Getting Past the Rules: What It Means to Live Christianity Well

Religion: Stick To It

Crested Butte Family Vacation

Adventure Videos

ECB January Adventure

Engagement with God – Week 1

The Christian Cannot Be Camouflaged

Catholic Education Is a Cornerstone for Community

Called to Communion – Week 4

̶M̶y̶ ̶W̶a̶y̶ His Way

406 Words on Bad Meetings

You Are Not Your Pain: The Beatitudes Give Us What 'Welcoming' and 'Inclusivity' Cannot

Catholic 301: Called to Communion – Week 3

Our Most Important Conversations Are Going Nowhere

No Personal Jesus

Catholic 301: Called to Communion – Week 2

S̶o̶m̶e̶t̶h̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶T̶a̶l̶k̶ ̶A̶b̶o̶u̶t̶

Catholic 301: Called to Communion – Week 1

St. Gregory Says We Should Stop Talking

The Christian Seeks Christ Wherever He Is to Be Found


Reflections on Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI; Mary's defining motherhood

Ratzinger Showed Us How to Love

Benedict XVI: Spiritual Father