Sitemap - 2024 - Ecclesia Christi Baltimore

The Ethics of Authenticity: Week 2

The Ethics of Authenticity: Week 1

Beware Feral Catholics

Spot Check: How Many of Archbishop Lori’s Pastoral Letters Have You Read?

The Violence of Politics Comes from Some Place False

Your Humanity Is Not the Enemy

To Become Perfect You Must Be Human

Life that Gives Life

A How-To Guide for Tabernacling-Over

Jesus Is Ever About What He Is About

Who First Dreamed of Death?

These Days All Prophets Are False

We Should All Want to Die that Way

New Creation

You Are Entering a Great Mystery

We Do Not Know What Unity Is Because We Do Not Know What Division Is

What a Wonderful Fear to Have

A Boring, Doctrinal Homily on the Eucharist

Live in the Real World

The Archbishop Asked Me If I Was Preaching Heresy Today

Do Puppies Need to Go to Mass? A Dialogue

Hope and History Week 2

Hope and History Week 1

Catholic 301: Charles Taylor

A Homily About that Time John Threatened to Kill Me

I Don’t Want to Contradict the Lord, but You Should Not Try to Pick Up Snakes; You Should, However, Expect To Work Miracles

Golden Calfs Look A Lot Different in the 21st Century

The One Who Loves Finds the City to Come

Jesus, John, and Paul Would Like You to Stop Gossiping, Please

Paschal Medicine for Paschal Pollen

What Will We Lose When We Close a Parish?

Alleluia! Jackson Holliday Has Been Called-Up! Alleluia!

Faith, Hope, and Love Week 3

Christ Comes to the Locked Room of Your Heart Again and Again and Again

I Will Run Toward What Christ Makes Possible

The Story Gets Bigger for the Easter Vigil

We Lie in Shallow Graves

Sometimes I Wonder When God Is or Was the Most Kenotic

On the Mysteries of Holy Thursday

Faith, Hope, and Love Week 4

The Cross Tears Apart Our Self-Interest

Faith, Hope, and Love Week 2

The Journey Is the Thing

To Be Saved by Christ Is to Be Saved by the Cross

Faith, Hope, and Love Week 1

What We Fear the Most Is Change

Do You Want to See God?

What Does It Mean to Believe in the Eucharist?

It May Not Have Been Prudent to Run Down Mount Tabor in a Thunderstorm, but at Least I Got a Homily Out of It

What Does It Mean to Say 'God Dies on a Cross'?

The Mystery of the Supernatural | Week 3

Who and How We Worship

You Should Do Lent the Way Jesus Says

The Mystery of the Supernatural | Week 2

Show Yourself to the Priest

The Mystery of the Supernatural | Week 1

On Preparing for Lent as a Season of Joy

Evidence of Proverbs 31:10-30 on the Eve of My (Truck Borrowing) Late Brother’s Birthday

Maybe Most Days I Want an Easier Life

The Post-Christian World Is Our Common Concern

The Time Is Running Out to Become Like God

Lenny, Enzo, and Lilibet

A Homily that Is Not about Who Can Be Blessed

Back to Boring

My Brother Got Married on My Other Brother's Birthday

God Plays Offsides (Karl Barth & the Encroachment of God)